
Kannetria McBride
Rdg 101
Ms. Jacobs

                                       The rumor Im choosing to write about is about the government trying to pass the law that teachers will be able to have weapons in the classrooms. The first time I heard this rumor I was at work driving my job vehicle listening to the DL Hugley radio station on 101.3, they were reading statements from CNN and other news saying how the law is already passed in Florida, they chose to do this after the mass shooting that occurred at the high school Parkland in Florida. They had a segment to where people could call and state if they thought it was a good idea to let teachers have guns. This rumor isn't fabricated I have heard other radio stations talking about it as well, them to even had a segment where they let people call and give there opinion of the new law that is passed in certain places. This information can be classified by going on to the internet, they have plenty of articles talking about this.
                              This situation touch on basic anxieties like death, and disaster. I personally dont think its a good idea to give teachers guns, because teachers have breakdowns just like anyone else, you never know what a person has going on in their life, and come to school and take it out on innocent people, then you have another problem.There are disrespectful kids in school, and some who try to fight teachers, so if the teacher is defending themselves they probably would use the gun.I also heard on the Steve Harvey Morning show on 101.3 how a retired police officer who is now a criminal justice teacher was demonstrating an act with a loaded gun, and shot a student by accident.If a experienced retired policeman made such a mistake like this how do you think the outcome would be with an inexperienced person. If the government pass this law everywhere it will be a huge disaster.


  1. I also have heard that this is being considered to have teachers have guns. I wouldn't feel comfortable with a teacher having a firearm to try and defend my child. Consider if it did come down to a teacher or teachers having to take down a shooter, people are not considering the toll it would take on the teachers mental state. This would be something the teachers have to live with for the rest of their lives. I don't know personally, but I've always heard killing another individual haunts people, from having flashbacks, nightmares and dreams. I do feel something needs to be done more to protect the children at school and limit that firearms can be brought on to the property, but giving teachers firearms is not the answer.

  2. I have heard about this rumor, and I must say that I don't feel comfortable with teachers having guns. I know they are trying to keep the kids safe, but teachers can have bad days. When I was in high school I had a teacher get so aggravated with a student that he flipped his desk. What if that teacher had a gun? Do you think he would have maybe used it? I don't trust anyone now days, and I couldn't imagine having a kid in school. My nerves would be shoot everyday. Something needs to be done about kids safety.

  3. I agree, no parent should in fear when they send there kids off to school


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